How Do You Cancel Fiverr Order As A Buyer In Under 2 Minutes?

Are you a buyer who placed an order on Fiverr and would like to cancel it?

Order cancellation on Fiverr is rarely the best option but in some situations when things don’t go as planned it can be the inevitable option.

If you cant reach a common ground with a seller, you may wish to cancel the order.

Keep in mind that order cancellation requests by the buyer will be considered if:

  • The status of the order is not marked ‘completed’
  • The order is active but marked as late.
  • There a violation of terms of service or general misconduct by the seller.

However, if you wish to cancel an order but don’t know how to go about it, don’t worry; in this post, I will guide you thoroughly on the Fiverr order cancellation process as a buyer in the following simple steps.

  1. Go to your dashboard
    Here you will see all the order requests you’ve made as well as any open requests you may have.
  2. Select the order you want to cancel
    Now go ahead and click on the order you want to cancel, it will open in a new page.
  3. Go to resolution center
    On the order page, click ‘visit the resolution center’ and you will be directed to the order’s resolution center.
  4. Select the order cancellation option
    There are three options on the resolution center page- Extend delivery time, Modify the order, Ask the seller to cancel this order. Click to select the last option.
  5. Provide more detail
    You will be required to provide more detail in the next section. Be careful, your choice here might affect your review. Then, click continue.
  6. Type a message to the seller
    A textbox will be provided for you to type your message to the seller as to why you want to cancel the order. Be as clear as possible because any misunderstanding will result in a bad review.
  7. Click send
    After you click send, you will be redirected to the order page and the order status will be marked ‘dispute’ waiting for the seller to accept the cancellation.

That’s all the steps you need to follow to cancel the order on Fiverr as a buyer.

Now you will have to wait for the sellers response.

In general, the order will be mutually canceled if accepted by the seller. However, if there is no response within 48 hours, the order will be automatically canceled by Fiverr.

Note that when a buyer cancels an order, it might affect the seller’s business negatively.

It’s better when the buyer and seller both agree to a cancellation, this is called a mutual cancellation and will affect neither of their ratings.

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