Can You Change Reddit Username? (Try This Instead)

Firstly, you cannot change the username on Reddit using the same account.

However, you can have a different username using the same email address in a new account.

If that is something you are looking for, then that can be easily done.

I understand that it can be a bit confusing.

So read the steps below to understand if that is something you would like to achieve and then do it.

Step 1

Log in to your reddit account.


Step 2

Click on your profile image and choose user settings from the drop down menu.


Step 3

Now you will be on the User settings tab inside your Reddit account.

Make sure you are on the account tab and then click on the change button next to your email address.


Step 4

Enter your login password and your new email address for your current account.

By doing this, you are not deleting your account but instead changing the email address. This way you can create a new account with your old email address.

Follow along to see the entire process.


Step 5

The next step is to confirm your new email address. So, login to your new email account and look for a confirmation email from Reddit.


Step 6

Click on the confirmation link to successfully change your email address.


By following the above steps you will have your reddit account linked to a new email address.

Now go ahead and create a fresh Reddit account with your desired username using your old email address.

I hope now you understood what’s happening.

If that’s the way you want to change your Reddit username, go ahead and do so.

This way you can have a new Reddit account with your desired username and email address and also retain your old Reddit account.

Related Question

How to change your Reddit Display name?

You can change your Reddit display name by following the below steps.

Step 1

On your Reddit home page, click on your profile and select user settings.


Step 2

Once you land on the user settings page, navigate to the profile tab and change your display name.


That’s it.

Please note that you can change your display name as many times as you want but that will not change your username.

In other words, if you want to change the name that you see in your comments, you will have to create a new Reddit account. There is no way you can change it.

I hope you find this article informative. If yes, please share it with your friends and family.

Can you hide your Reddit username?

No you cannot hide your Reddit username.